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喜歡社群自由無私的分享、熱愛自由軟體及 Linux 所帶來的方便性
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演講 與 簡報 Speech and Slide
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2024/11/30 |
Gemini Code Assist for Cloud Architects |
國立臺灣大學博雅教學館 |
DevFest Taipei 2024 https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taipei-presents-devfest-taipei-2024/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20241130 |
2024/11/16 |
GCP 初心者系列 - GCP 雲端平台入門 101 |
N 型未來學院 |
DevFest Changhua 2024 https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-changhua-presents-devfest-changhua-2024/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20241116 |
2024/11/3 |
NeuVector quick install with HELM and GKE |
Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower |
openSUSE.Asis summit 2024 https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSAS24 |
https://bit.ly/sakana20241103 |
2024/10/12 |
Gemini Code Assist for Cloud Architects |
N 型未來學院 |
GDG Changhua https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-changhua-presents-10yue-chatbotji-shu-ji-googleji-shu-lian-he-xiao-ju/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20241012 |
2024/8/3 |
Gemini Code Assist for Cloud Architects |
台灣科技大學 |
COSCUP 2024 https://coscup.org/2024/zh-TW/session/7SGU3D |
https://bit.ly/sakana20240803 |
2024/4/20 |
Gemini Code Assist for Cloud Architects |
天瓏書局 |
GDG Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taipei-presents-build-with-ai-taipei-2024-gong-zuo-fang-geminiduo-mo-tai-ragying-yong-gemini-code-assist-ying-yong-jie-shao/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20240420 |
2024/3/30 |
Duet AI for Cloud Architects: AI 如何幫助雲端架構師提高工作效率 |
集思台中文心會議中心 |
GDG Taichung https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taichung-presents-build-with-ai-2024-taichung-3/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20240330 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2023/12/9 |
GKE Enterprise 介紹 |
逢甲大學學思園 |
DevFest Taichung 2023 https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taichung-presents-devfest-taichung-2023/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20231209 |
2023/10/28 |
GCP 費用優化分享 |
Monospace 共同工作空間 |
GDG Taichung https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taichung-presents-gdg-taichung-10yue-fen-xiao-ju-tech-talk/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20231028 |
2023/10/21 |
Using openSUSE in the Public Cloud |
重慶郵電大學 |
openSUSE.Asia summit https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSAS23/program/proposals/4283 |
https://bit.ly/sakana20231021 |
2023/9/20 |
Google Cloud Next 2023 |
VMware Taiwan |
VMUG x GDG Cloud Taipei https://my.vmug.com/s/community-event?id=a1Y4x000002l7FbEAI |
https://bit.ly/sakana20230920 |
2023/7/30 |
GCP 費用優化分享 |
台灣科技大學 |
COSCUP 2023 https://coscup.org/2023/zh-TW/session/X7SLCR |
https://bit.ly/sakana20230730 |
2023/3/28 |
GCP 初心者系列 - GCP 雲端平台入門 101 |
Online |
GDSC x GDG Cloud Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-cloud-taipei-presents-gdsc-tku-x-gdg-cloud-taipei-gcp-chu-xin-zhe-xi-lie-gcp-yun-duan-ping-tai-ru-men-101/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20230328 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
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備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2022/11/19 |
GCP 初心者系列 - GCP 雲端平台入門 101 |
桃園虎頭山創新園區 |
DevFest Taoyuan https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taoyuan-presents-devfest-2022-taoyuan/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20221119 |
2022/11/15 |
GCP 初心者系列 - GCP 雲端平台入門 101 |
Online |
GDSC https://gdsc.community.dev/events/details/developer-student-clubs-tamkang-university-presents-gdsc-x-gdg-cloud-taipei-google-cloud-101yun-duan-ji-chu-xi-lie-ke-gcp-chu-xin-zhe-xi-lie-gcp-yun-duan-ping-tai-ru-men-101-2022-11-15/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20221115 |
2022/10/29 |
Zabbix server 6.0 with container in GCP |
東海大學 |
DevFest Taichung 2022 https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taichung-presents-devfest-taichung-2022/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20221029 |
2022/9/14 |
Zabbix server 6.0 with container in GCP |
Online |
GDG Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-cloud-taipei-presents-gdg-cloud-taipei-x-study-area-zabbix-server-60-with-container-in-gcp/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20220914 |
2022/7/30 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
台灣科技大學 |
COSCUP 2022 https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW/session/99GBZC |
https://bit.ly/sakana20220730-2 |
2022/7/30 |
GCP 初心者系列 - GCP 雲端平台入門 101 |
台灣科技大學 |
COSCUP 2022 https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW/session/NMSVGS |
https://bit.ly/sakana20220730-1 |
2022/7/23 |
Tech AMA |
Google Taiwan Office |
GDG Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taipei-presents-google-io-extended22-party-2/ |
2022/4/22 |
Google Cloud Platform AMA 社群問答 |
Online |
GDG Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taipei-presents-google-cloud-platform-ama-she-qun-wen-da-1/ |
2022/4/20 |
Linux 圆桌派 Linux 未来如何发展? |
Online |
SUSE 北京 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/P7-1P3gqf8U7YrvN1YcSBg |
2022/4/13 |
GCP雲端平台入門 |
Online |
GDG Cloud Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-cloud-taipei-presents-gdg-cloud-taipei-x-study-area-gcp-chu-xin-zhe-xi-lie-gcp-yun-duan-ping-tai-ru-men-101/ |
https://bit.ly/sakana20220413 |
2022/4/1 |
Google Cloud Platform AMA 社群問答 |
Online |
GDG Taipei https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-taipei-presents-google-cloud-platform-ama-she-qun-wen-da/ |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2021/9/23 |
AWS 初心者系列 - CDN - CloudFront 101 |
Online |
AWS Users Group Taiwan https://awsugtw.kktix.cc/events/awsug-202109 |
https://bit.ly/sakana20210923 |
2021/8/8 |
Using Gitlab with openSUSE in the Cloud |
Online |
openSUSE.Asia Summit https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSAS21/program/proposals/3643 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20210808 |
2021/8/1 |
雲端平臺維運經驗淺談 |
Online |
COSCUP https://coscup.org/2021/zh-TW/session/ASN8ZL |
http://bit.ly/sakana20210801 |
2021/1/27 |
Azure 虛擬機器擴展集VMSS介紹與實作 |
Online |
巨匠 Live 講堂 https://www.pcschool.com.tw/activity/110/11001-live1m-Azure/index.aspx? |
http://bit.ly/sakana20210127 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2020/9/22 |
使用自動化工具 Ansible 在 Azure 中佈署虛擬機器 |
Online |
巨匠 Live 講堂 https://www.pcschool.com.tw/activity/109/10909-live9m-Ansible/index.aspx |
http://bit.ly/sakana20200922 |
2020/4/25 |
使用容器 搭配 smokeping 監測網路狀態 in Azure |
Online |
Global Azure 2020 https://azuretw.dev/events/1 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20200425 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2019/12/22 |
openSUSE Taiwan Year End Party |
SUSE Lab Taipei |
openSUSE Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20191222 |
2019/10/5 |
We are openSUSE Asia Community - Introduce TSP application |
Bali - Indonesia |
openSUSE.Asia Summit |
http://bit.ly/sakana2019100502 |
2019/10/5 |
openSUSE Kubic - The easy and fast way to deploy kubernetes with openSUSE |
Bali - Indonesia |
openSUSE.Asia Summit |
http://bit.ly/sakana2019100501 |
2019/9/28 |
淺談三大雲端平臺入門 and openSUSE |
Gandi.net |
openSUSE.Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190928 |
2019/9/22 |
開源社群經營-openSUSE 與國際社群 |
Cymking Space |
2019 開源科技訓練營 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190922 |
2019/8/17 |
開源與職涯 - Infra 的養成之路與開源工具 |
台灣科技大學 |
COSCUP 2019 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190817 |
2019/6/29 |
openSUSE Taiwan Leap 15.1 Release Party |
Gandi.net |
openSUSE.Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190629 |
2019/6/28 |
openSUSE Kubic 簡單分享 |
Microsoft Taiwan |
openSUSE.Taiwan x CNTUG |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190628 |
2019/5/18 |
Ansible and openSUSE workshop 101 |
trainocate |
openSUSE x SA |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190518 |
2019/5/15 |
Ansible with Azure 介紹 |
M Space 共享空間 |
Azure Taiwan Meetup #18 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190515 |
2019/2/16 |
openSUSE Kubic 簡單分享 |
天瓏書局 Coding Space |
openSUSE.Taiwan x CNTUG |
http://bit.ly/sakana20190216 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2018/12/29 |
openSUSE Taiwan Year End Party |
SUSE Lab Taipei |
openSUSE Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20181229 |
2018/12/6 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
成功大學 |
自由軟體與社群發展課程 |
http://bit.ly/sakana20181206 |
2018/9/15 |
NextCloud 簡單分享 |
Gandi.net |
openSUSE x SA |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180915 |
2018/8/12 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
台灣科技大學 |
GNOME.Asia |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180812 |
2018/8/11 |
Ansible and openSUSE workshop |
台灣科技大學 |
openSUSE.Asia |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180811 |
2018/7/15 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 102 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE x SA |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180715 |
2018/7/9 |
Docker微虛擬技術入門與實作 |
桃園仁和國小 |
桃園資訊組長研習 |
https://bit.ly/2ypWx8j |
2018/6/23 |
openSUSE Leap 15 安裝以及調整分享 |
SUSE Lab Taipei |
openSUSE.Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180623 |
2018/6/23 |
openSUSE Leap 15 Release Party |
SUSE Lab Taipei |
openSUSE.Taiwan |
http://bit.ly/sakana20180623-2 |
2018/5/27 |
Ansible 自動化組態工具 workshop with openSUSE 101 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE x SA |
https://bit.ly/2KNaizj |
2018/5/26 |
Monitoring Tools 大亂鬥 - Nagios |
松江101國際會議中心 |
DevOps Taiwan - Monitoring Tools 大亂鬥 |
https://bit.ly/2KVEit1 |
2018/5/14 |
Ansible with DigitalOcean |
交通大學 |
DigitalOcean HsinChun Meetup |
https://bit.ly/2wGsgRI |
2018/3/28 |
Ansible with Azure |
D-Card |
Azure Taiwan Meetup #12 |
https://goo.gl/bY2jaz |
2018/3/25 |
Docker Birthday Day #5 |
Gandi.net |
Docker Birthday |
https://goo.gl/af6P9s |
2018/3/23 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
成功大學 |
自由軟體與社群發展課程 |
https://ppt.cc/fGwCax |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2017/12/17 |
openSUSE Taiwan Year End Party |
Mozilla Space |
openSUSE Taiwan |
https://goo.gl/2RTrV1 |
2017/11/19 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 101 |
巨匠電腦東區認証 |
openSUSE x docker.Taipei |
https://goo.gl/Jui4oW |
2017/10/28 |
Ansible 自動化組態工具 workshop with openSUSE 101 |
Mozilla Space |
openSUSE x SA |
https://goo.gl/acuUo1 |
2017/10/22 |
openSUSE.Asia Summit 2018 |
Chofu - Tokyo |
openSUSE.Asia summit |
https://goo.gl/Y7xTjj |
2017/10/21 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 101 |
Chofu - Tokyo |
openSUSE.Asia summit |
https://goo.gl/JF6QwA |
2017/10/18 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
交通大學 |
https://goo.gl/3JUENa |
2017/9/16 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 101 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE x docker.Taipei |
https://goo.gl/x8zaKG |
2017/8/12 |
openSUSE Leap 42.3 安裝以及調整分享 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE.Taiwan |
https://goo.gl/Apqjv8 |
2017/7/30 |
GUADEC lighting talk |
Manchester - UK |
GUADEC 2017 |
https://goo.gl/rLpp94 |
2017/7/29 |
Manchester - UK |
GUADEC 2017 |
https://goo.gl/TVdCLA |
2017/6/1 |
Ansible 自動化管理工具 workshop |
NCHC 內部訓練 |
https://goo.gl/PUQ1cW |
2017/5/28 |
Ansible 自動化組態工具 workshop with openSUSE 101 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE x SA |
https://goo.gl/MxFdPE |
2017/5/4 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
交通大學 |
國立交通大學網路管理實務課程 |
https://goo.gl/rjGLBp |
2017/3/31 |
SUSE Container 與 Docker |
華南銀行總行大樓國際會議中心 |
SUSE Expert Day 2017 |
https://goo.gl/TLs8Qs |
2017/3/30 |
Docker 容器介紹與實作 |
交通大學 |
國立交通大學網路管理實務課程 |
https://goo.gl/CzcY4J |
2017/3/24 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
成功大學 |
自由軟體與社群發展課程 |
https://goo.gl/3JUENa |
2017/1/15 |
使用 Ansible 快速佈署 nagios |
openSUSE x SA |
https://goo.gl/ZY4JN1 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
地點 Place |
備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2016/12/21 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
崑山科技大學 |
https://goo.gl/iO3Irl |
2016/11/23 |
配置管理工具大亂鬥-Ansible |
DevOps Taiwan |
DevOps Taiwan Meet up |
https://goo.gl/YjhJCY |
2016/11/19 |
Docker Global Mentor Week 2016 - Taipei |
Gandi.net |
2016 Docker Global Mentor Week |
https://goo.gl/s1SI9f |
2016/11/14 |
SUSE Docker workshop |
Bestcom |
https://goo.gl/gc2Xjg |
2016/10/22 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 101 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
openSUSE x SA |
https://goo.gl/dhCZUD |
2016/10/21 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
資策會數位教育研究所 |
DevOps Taipei MeetUp |
https://goo.gl/D7Mp48 |
2016/10/14 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
成功大學 |
自由軟體與社群發展課程 |
https://goo.gl/wbXnaU |
2016/10/2 |
Ansible and openSUSE workshop |
印尼 |
openSUSE.Asia summit |
https://goo.gl/epKzDl |
2016/9/13 |
Docker and openSUSE workshop 101 |
交通大學 |
openSUSE x SA |
http://goo.gl/YDL2sw |
2016/9/10 |
利用 Jupyter + Ansible 快速佈署 Spark |
中研院 |
HadoopCon 2016 |
http://goo.gl/dns2Aw |
2016/8/19 |
Hands on - Docker image management and Dockerfile |
資策會 民生科技服務大樓 |
DevOps Taipei MeetUp |
https://goo.gl/u92fzS |
2016/7/16 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
交通大學 |
SA群英會 |
https://goo.gl/RYyQU4 |
2016/5/16 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
交通大學 |
SA@新竹 |
https://goo.gl/SKJYOh |
2016/4/20 |
Getting Started with Apache Spark |
交通大學 |
Spark 新竹 |
https://goo.gl/9fYrn0 |
2016/2/27 |
以推廣者角度參與國際社群經驗談 |
中研院 |
SITCON 2016 |
https://goo.gl/d7mPS0 |
2016/2/21 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
Mozilla Space Taiwan |
SA@Taipei |
https://goo.gl/1DWUqt |
2016/1/28 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
Spark Taiwan |
Spark Taiwan |
https://goo.gl/3Gw5Y3 |
2016/1/13 |
Introduction to Spark Install |
交通大學 |
Spark 新竹 |
https://goo.gl/Hj7mL6 |
日期 Date |
演講題目 Topic |
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備註 Notes |
簡報 Slide |
2015/12/31 |
淺談自由軟體社群,雲端服務與程式應用 |
真理大學 |
https://goo.gl/0s4Zh1 |
2015/12/26 |
淺談 Ansible 自動化管理工具 |
成功大學 |
SA@Tainan |
https://goo.gl/9g5u1l |
2015/12/25 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
成功大學 |
自由軟體與社群發展課程 |
https://goo.gl/EKsyK8 |
2015/3/19 |
開源軟體與社群 - 參與國際社群經驗談 |
清華大學 |
清大自由開源軟體與文化課程 |
http://ppt.cc/UQv2 |